
We have over a decade of experience designing and delivering technical courses and programmes in higher education. Our award winning teaching and communication of engineering concepts can help learners of all levels access even the most challenging of technical material.


Corporate training

We can offer short training courses from introductory to advanced level on a range programming and signal processing topics.

Subjects that we have previously delivered courses on at undergraduate and masters level include: Data Structures and Algorithms, Introductory programming, Object Oriented Programming in Java, Embedded systems design for FPGAs, Introduction to Audio, Digital Circuits, Digital Systems Design, Microprocessor Systems, Introduction to LaTeX, and Document Presentation.

Process analysis and development

Problems in training (particularly in graduate training programmes and higher education) are often caused by inadequate materials and outdated processes that put the needs of the learner last. These issues can be difficult to identify from within an organisation, especially for staff who have already gained the requisite skills and knowledge and therefore do not experience the problems first hand. We can analyse your internal training programmes and find ways to both streamline your processes and maximise the effectiveness of the learning experience.